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Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit: Media and Equipment

Standards, policies, and training materials for the Cataloging and Metadata Services Unit at Loyola Notre Dame Library.


DVDs with video

Collection: MEDIA (Media Collection)
Material Type: DVD (DVD (Video))
Item Status: 09 (DVD/Video)
                    11 (Recreational Video)

CDs with audio tracks, audio books

Collection: MEDIA (Media Collection)
Material Type: ACD (Compact disc, audio)
Item Status: 09 (DVD/VIdeo)

DVDs with data

Collection: MEDIA (Media Collection)
Material Type: DVDRM (DVD-ROM)
Item Status: 09 (DVD/Video)

CDs with data

Collection: MEDIA (Media Collection)
Material Type: CDROM (CD ROM)
Item Status: 09 (DVD/VIdeo)

Media cataloging

Bibliographic record

  • same process for books

Item record

  • 2. General Information
    • Sublibrary: LNDL          Item Status: 09 (DVD/Video) or 11 (Recreational Video)
    • Collection: MEDIA
    • Material Type: [see SCMI]
    • Item Process Status: LB (Labeling)
  • add barcode to top left

Holding record

  • click Create New, click Edit
  • use macro ##own
  • save and close all


Feature Films

Subject headings

In the bibliographic record the genre heading "Feature films" is used with foreign feature films being given the additional headings "Feature films-[country]" and "Foreign films-[country]". Items for the hearing impaired are given the genre headings "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" and "Films for the hearing impaired" as they are for all DVDs or videos. If a DVD or video is based on a book, the first subject heading should be author's name followed by the genre subheading "Film and video adaptations". For Shakespeare plays adapted to film, the first subject heading would be "Shakespeare, William, [dates].[Title of play]-Film and video adaptations.

Call numbers

All feature films, including TV series, are given the call number PN 1997 with a Cutter for title. If a foreign feature film, the Cutter is for the English language title. The only exception is with Shakespeare plays turned feature film. These are given the correct PR call number, followed by A23 for filmed version and a Cutter for the director. Search and Identify the Bibliographic Record Use available records in Aleph. If the appropriate record is not in Aleph you will need to import from WorldCat.

Digital equipment cataloging

  • Equipment purchased by the Technology Services unit, to be kept at the Circulation desk. These are suppressed, provisional records used for tracking circulation.

Bibliographic record

  • in Aleph, go to Cataloging > New Record

Leader (Mixed Materials) LDR __ ^^^^nrm^a22001577a^45^0

Record status (05) n                                        Type of record (06) r
Bibliographic level (07) m                             Type of Control (08) ^
Character coding scheme (09) a                 Encoding level (17) 7
Descriptive cataloging form (18) a             Linked record requirement (19) ^

008 Fixed length data elements (Mixed Materials) 008 __ yymmdddn

Date entered on file (00-05) __                  Type of date (06) n
Date 1 (07-10) uuuu                                        Date 2 (11-14) uuuu
Place of publication (15-17) xx
Language (35-37) eng
Cataloging source (39) d

040 ## $e eng
245 00 Title
300 ## Extent (eg. $a 1 graphics tablet $e + 1 stylus + 1 stylus holder)

Item record

  • 2. General Information
    • Sublibrary: LNDL          Item Status: 10 (One Day Loan), 12 (One Month Loan), or 13 (One Week Loan)
    • Collection: DIGEQ (Digital Equipment)
    • Material Type: EQP (Equipment)
  • 3. General Information (2)
    • Circ. Note: [# pieces]
  • add barcode

Holding record

  • click Create New, click Edit
  • use macro ##own
  • 852 8# $b LNDL $c DIGEQ $h Equipment kept at Circulation Desk
  • save and close all