Practice your skills at writing citations in AJHP style by answering the following questions:
1. In Drugdex, look up the FDA-labeled indications for ARIPIPRAZOLE. Write a citation in AJHP for your answer.
2. In Drug Facts and Comparisons, look up the possible adverse reactions associated with ULTRAM. Write a citation in AJHP style for your answer.
3. Using Lexi-Comp, check if there is an interaction between METFORMIN and CIMETIDINE. Write a citation in AJHP style for your answer.
4. In PubMed look up this article:
Expectations of students enrolled in doctor of pharmacy, master's physician assistant, and anesthesia assistant programs (type the name of the article in the PubMed search box).
Write a citation for the article in AJHP style.
5. Look up the book: DRUG INFORMATION: A GUIDE TO CURRENT RESOURCES in the library catalog. How would you cite this book in AJHP style?
6. Open the e-book titled CASARETT & DOULL'S TOXICOLOGY: THE BASIC SCIENCE OF POISONS (you can access pharmacy ebooks in the Pharmacy Research Guide). How would you cite Chapter 11 titled "Toxic Responses of the Blood," written by John C. Bloom and John T. Brandt, in AJHP style?
7. One of the most reliable consumer health websites is MedlinePlus. Use it to look up information on osteoporosis. Cite the webpage in AJHP style.
For answers to the practice questions, please email Kristina Wagner.