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AJHP Style Guide


Entry heading: List the title of the entry you are using.

Name of the resource within the database: You must cite the exact name of the resource you are using within the database. Citing Micromedex, Lexi-Comp, and Facts and Comparisons is not specific enough. See the box below for a list of the specific resources within each database.

City and Publisher information:

The city and publisher information for any resource within Micromedex is:

Ann Arbor, MI: Truven Health Analytics

The city and publisher information for any resource within Lexi-Comp is:

Hudson, OH: Lexi-Comp, Inc.

The city and publisher information for any resource within F&C is:

St. Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

The city and publisher information for any resource within Clinical Pharmacology is: 

Tampa, FL: Gold Standard, Inc.

Date Last Updated: If it is not evident when the information was last updated, write the date you accessed the information. Example: (accessed 2013 Jun 19).

Parts of a DI Database Citation

When citing from Micromedex, Lexi-Comp, or F&C you must cite the exact resource within the database that you used. Use the box to the left to find the name of the resources within each of the databases.

parts of a citation

Micromedex Citation Example

When citing from Micromedex, Lexi-Comp, or F&C you must cite the exact resource within the database that you used. Use the box to the left to find the name of the resources within each of the databases. Note that in order to determine whether you are using DrugPoint or Drugdex within Micromedex, you will need to click on the "Print" icon in the top right corner of the drug record. Check one or more boxes, then click "Print." In the resulting printer-friendly document, you will see that at the top under the drug name it lists the name of the resource. In general, when you are in "Quick Answers" you are using DrugPoint, and when you are in "In-Depth Answers" you are in Drugdex. 

micromedex citation

Lexi-Comp Citation Example

When citing from Micromedex, Lexi-Comp, or F&C you must cite the exact resource within the database that you used. Use the box to the left to find the name of the resources within each of the databases.

lexicomp citation

Clinical Pharmacology Citation Example

For most of the information that you find in Clinical Pharmacology, you can cite the database as your information source. This is because the editors and staff of Clinical Pharamcology generate unique information that they make available in their database. They are not pulling information from other tertiary sources.

Facts & Comparisons Citation Example

When citing from Micromedex, Lexi-Comp, or F&C you must cite the exact resource within the database that you used. Use the box to the left to find the name of the resources within each of the databases.

When a Date is not Given

When the date updated is not available, give the date that you accessed the resource.