"An index that quantifies both the actual scientific productivity and the apparent scientific impact of a scientist."
Locate the Web of Science link on the Library website. If you are accessing the application remotely remember you will need to log in with your Loyola or Notre Dame credentials.
Enter your name, last name first and select the Author dropdown and click search.
Refine your search once you have run it by limiting by discipline (e.g Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Cell Biology), year, or other.
If you have published under different names/initials you will need to incorporate this into your search criteria by using truncation (eg smith, j*).
Once you are satisfied with the search criteria, it is suggested that you make a note of the search criteria displayed on the results screen. This will save you time if you should need to repeat the process.
Once you have the result set you want, on the right side of the results page is the “Create Citation Report” link which will display the h-index and Average Citations per item/year and other statistics. You have the option to re-fine the listing by selecting the checkboxes to remove individual items that are not yours from the Citation Report or restrict publication years.
You can see how the h-index has changed over time by revising the dates in the gray box directly above the first listed article.
This how to generate citation reports tutorial includes how to: