Both volume and issue information, if present, is required in end references for books and journals.
A book that is part of a multivolume set will have a volume number in the end reference. Abbreviate the word "Volume" as "Vol." followed by the arabic volume number. The volume number follows the title of the set and precedes the title of the individual volume.
Parenteral nutrition. Vol. 2, Clinical nutrition.
Both volume and issue numbers are required in references to journal articles.
Write all volume numbers as arabic numerals (no abbreviation for volume). If a volume has a supplement or other division, place it after the volume number in abbreviated form, as "Suppl"(supplement), "Pt"(part), "Spec No"(special number).
Geriatrics. 41 Suppl A:S37-S42.
If an issue has a supplement, part, or special number, place it after the issue number in abbreviated form. Place all issue information within parenthesis.
Mishino L. 2000 Aug. Safety of tazarotene. J Am Acad Dermatol. 43(2 Pt 3):S28-S37.
Newspaper Articles
Omit volume and issue numbers from newspaper references. Substitute the section name, number, or letter.
Abbreviate section names according to ISO 832. Change "Section" to "Sect." followed by the section letter or number (arabic). Use a section name when there is no letter or number.
This news article appears in Section A, page 12, column 1.
Weiss R. 2003 Apr 1. Study shows problems in cloning people: researchers find replicating primates will be harder than other mammals. Washington Post (Home Ed.).Sect. A:12 (col.1).