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WR100 Help Guide: Library Basics

Use this guide to help you with your Effective Writing assignments from off-campus.

Off-Campus Access

Access all of the Library databases through our homepage: When prompted to log in, use your regular Loyola username and current email/Moodle password.

Library Building Hours

Regular Semester Library Hours 2023-2024

  • Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - Midnight
  • Friday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Sunday: Noon - Midnight

Note: A research librarian is always available online 24/7!

Research Consultations

The Library offers scheduled research consultations via Zoom or in person. You can also ask questions through our 24/7 chat without making an appointment or email

Finding Books in OneSearch

OneSearch will show you the following types of books:

  • Books in print (hard copy) at LNDL
  • Ebooks owned by LNDL
  • Books in print at other USMAI consortium libraries

Note: We cannot borrow ebooks from other libraries. USMAI borrowing is for print books only. You may see ebook results that we do not own in OneSearch. We can help you request print versions of those books!   

Example of a print book result at LNDL:

Ask a Librarian

question mark

Your research librarians are here to help!

Chat 24/7
Call during building hours: 410.617.6801
Email a question to:


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