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Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice

This tutorial was developed by staff at Duke University Medical Center Library and the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It is used with permission by Loyola Notre Dame Library.

Selecting the Resources

Evidence-Based Practice requires that clinicians search the literature to find answers to their clinical questions. The resources in the table below will help you identify journal articles, published reports, and studies.

Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Resources

  About Hints
Evidence-based Nursing A journal that reviews what is in the literature about nursing evidence-based practice. Some citations from this journal are in PubMed. To be thorough, search this journal in addition to other resources.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Over 4,800 detailed, structured reviews by groups of experts who review studies on topics in their specialty, select those that meet EBM criteria, and perform "meta-analyses" when possible on all the included studies. Tip sheet from Lamar University
PubMed Over 100,000 systematic reviews
  1. Search PubMed for your topic.
  2. Under Article Types in the upper left, click on Customize... Select "Systematic Reviews." Click show.
  3. Under Article Types in the upper left, select "Systematic Reviews."
National Guideline Clearinghouse A public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines How to Search

Trip Medical Database

TRIP=Turning Research into Practice

A clinical search engine that allows users to find and use high-quality research evidence to support practice and/or care. Also includes images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news. How to use Trip tutorials


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