How do endnotes and footnotes differ from the Works Cited page?
Endnotes and footnotes are not used to cite an outside source. They may be used for two reasons: (1) to provide the reader with additional information or explanation, or (2) to list several sources consulted but not referred to in the text, or provide commentary on a source.
If your instructor requests endnotes: Endnotes should be placed on a separate page, after the content of the paper but before the Works Cited page. The page should be titled "Notes," centered on the page.
Courtesy of Purdue OWL
If your instructor requests footnotes: The 7th edition of the MLA Handbook does not recommend a certain style or format when using footnotes, so it is best to ask your instructor what format he/she would like you to follow.
However, if your instructor has no preference, you may follow these guidelines from the 6th edition of the MLA Handbook:
Courtesy of Purdue OWL
For a more detailed explanation of the rules surrounding endnotes and footnotes, consult the MLA Handbook, section 6.5: