Jump directly to Works Cited examples for the following types of print publications:
How do I know if it's a print copy?
You should only cite something as a print source if you consulted the physical "hard copy" of the book or article. If you found something online--even if it's a scanned image of the print version--it should be cited as an electronic source.
Author, First, and Second Author. "Title of the Article in Quotes with All Important Words Capitalized." Name of Journal Italicized with All Important Words Capitalized Volume number.Issue number (Year in parentheses): pages. Print.
* Note: Citations are single-spaced here, but be sure to double-space your Works Cited page.
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages. Medium of publication.
* Note: Citations are single-spaced here, but be sure to double-space your Works Cited page.
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages. Medium of publication.
Note that newspapers' page numbers will look differently from a magazine; they will typically include both a number and letter. If the newspaper has multiple editions in the same day, i.e., an early and a late edition, include that information directly after the date of publication.
* Note: Citations are single-spaced here, but be sure to double-space your Works Cited page.
Remember to abbreviate all names of months, except for May, June and July:
Jan. Feb. Mar.
Apr. Aug. Sept.
Oct. Nov. Dec.
When citing magazine or newspaper articles, include the day, month and year of publication (if available). Write the date in the following format:
day Mo. YYYY
Example: 23 Sept. 2012
Use the same format for the date of access.