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Creating Stable Links to Items in Databases


  1. Locate the link icon next to the title and select it.
  2. Copy and paste the displayed link.

Screenshot displaying where the link button is in NexisUni


Screenshot of the link to the page selection in NexisUni



Policy Map


1. Click through results to business profile page.

2. Click on Copy Profile Link (link symbol) at top right. Link will autosave when clicked.

Project Muse

1. Click through the item in the database to the item details page

2. In the Share menu in the right hand column, click on the blue plus symbol.

3. Choose "Copy Link" from the menu.

4. Click on the link in the pop up window to copy to your clipboard.

Proquest Databases

  1. Click into the full record for the article.
  2. Select the Abstract/Details tab from the menu to the left the article.
  3. Locate the Document URL.
  4. Copy and paste this link into your Moodle/Canvas course.

Screenshot of Document URL in Proquest


1. Open item record

2. Click on link symbol on the bottom right to see article permalink

3. Save link from pop up window