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Loyola Notre Dame Library Web Style Guide: Home


Refer to this style guide when writing for the LNDL website. For questions this guide does not address, default to the Loyola Style Guide.

Writing for the web guides

Frequent Questions

Library Staff

Refer to staff members by title instead of by name:

  • Correct: Technology Librarian
  • Incorrect: Matthew Treskon or Technology Librarian, Matthew Treskon

Under review: inclusion of dept or individual e-mail address

Referring to the Universities or Library

The first time you refer to one of the universities or the library on a single web page, write out the full name. For the rest of the page, follow these conventions:

  • Use Loyola for Loyola University Maryland
  • Use Notre Dame for Notre Dame of Maryland University
  • Use the Library for Loyola Notre Dame Library
  • if appropriate, collectively refer to Loyola and Notre Dame as the Universities

Library Levels/Floors


  • Lower Level
  • First Level
  • Second Level
  • Third Level

Common Internet Terms:

Per Loyola's Style Guide, follow AP Style when referring to the following:

  • Android
  • email
  • Internet
  • online
  • web
  • website
  • Blu-ray
  • blog
  • cellphone
  • wiki
  • iPhone
  • podcast
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • eBay
  • Wi-Fi
  • smartphone
  • Google, Googled, Googling
  • friend, follow, like, unfriend, unfollow
  • e-reader, e-book
  • tweet, retweet
  • Twitter
  • app
  • check in (v.) check-in (n.)
  • hashtag
  • LinkedIn


From the University of Oregon's Style Guide:

"Whenever possible, address readers directly using the second person (you), not the third person. When necessary, use borrower, user, or patron depending on the context"



For every acronym, always write out the full title the first time it appears on a single web page, followed by the acronym in parentheses. 


  • 1st use on a single web page: University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI)
  • Consecutive uses on a single web page: USMAI


  • Correct: $0.15
  • Incorrect 15 cents or 15¢


Per the Loyola style guide: "Follow AP style writing out numbers zero through nine and using digits for 10 and numbers greater than 10. Exceptions are ages and measurements, which are always written as digits. Her daughter is 3 years old. Exceptions can also be made for numbers in lists or for clarity."


When referring users to hyperlinks, do not use "click here". Instead, use descriptive and active language.