Step 1: From the library's website (, hover over the search tab and click DATABASES.
Step 2: Click the ALL Subject drop-down menu, and then click BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT.
Step 3: Click on the database you need.
Watch a video of each step below.
Step 1: From the Business databases list, select BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE.
Step 2: Search using keywords related to your industry.
Step 3: Fine the SHOW MORE button in the list of filters.
Step 4: Select INDUSTRY PROFILES and click UPDATE.
Watch a video of each step below.
Step 1: From the Business database list, select Business Insights Global.
Step 2: Search for a company within your industry (we recommend this instead of searching for the name of an industry)
Step 3: From the company's profile page, select your industry.
Step 4: Browse Industry Essays and other resources from the "Industry Information" box
Watch a video of each step below.
Step 1: From the Business database list, select Mergent Intellect.
Step 2: Click INDUSTRY underneath the search box. Enter a keyword related to your industry. Select from the options that appear.
Step 3: Scroll down to see a list of the top companies, or click FIRST RESEARCH for industry reports.
Step 4: Submit your university e-mail address.
Step 5: Search for your industry key terms
Watch a video of each step below.