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Theology Master's Thesis

Thesis (TH700/701) Timeline

In the Beginning….

Near the end of the first year (or second year if part time), students should schedule a meeting with the Graduate Program Director. Prior to this meeting, students should have begun narrowing and focusing a thesis topic area. During this meeting, the student and Director will agree upon a topic area, and, in consultation with the student, the Chair of the Department, and specific faculty members, the Director will assign a faculty advisor for the student’s thesis. Following this meeting, the student should schedule a meeting promptly with her or his new faculty advisor to begin discussing the terms of the project. This meeting should occur before the onset of the summer break in order to ensure maximal research opportunities for the summer break.

Timeline: Sequence & Deadlines

Spring/Summer before the second year (before the third year if part-time):        

•   Students will be assigned faculty advisors

•   Begin to read with the aim of formulating an acceptable thesis topic

•   Submit topic in writing to the Graduate Program Director

•   Register for TH 700

Fall of the second year (third or fourth year if part-time):

•   First Friday in October: Students must have submitted their written thesis topic to the Graduate Program Director

•   October 20: Graduate Program Director conveys written approval of thesis topic

•   Begin writing in earnest under supervision of assigned faculty advisor

•   Register for TH 701 (for Spring term)

Winter of the second year (third or fourth year if part-time):

•   Apply for graduation (see Director of Program Operations for form)

•   Submit drafts of thesis chapters to faculty advisor

•   Revision and rewriting begins

•   March 1: Final copy of thesis must be submitted to faculty advisor if a student wishes to graduate in May. With the
    approval of the faculty advisor and the Graduate Program Director, the oral examination is scheduled

•   The oral examination must be scheduled and take place before April 1 in Spring semesters and
    before December 1 in Fall semesters

•   Following a successful oral examination, required revisions must be made to the thesis

•   A final (electronic) copy of the thesis must be submitted to the Loyola Notre Dame Library within two weeks
    of final approval by the department.