Click on the below link for access to in-text citation examples for web resources:
How to Cite Government Agency, Department, OR Commission Documents (Print)
How to cite Online Government Documents
When citing an electronic resource use the print citation as the primary format then include URL and access date to complete the citation
REMEMBER: A URL alone in your reference list is NOT enough. You must provide as much publication detail as possible so a reader can locate the source of the information even if the URL changes.
For an information source accessed via the free web add the URL. For a library database use the stable URL OR PURL if available. After both include the date you accessed the information.
Do not abbreviate months when noting dates of access.
How to Cite Publications of International Bodies (Print)
Abbreviations for commonly known major bodies like UN for United Nations or WTO for World Trade Organization
How to Cite Presidential Publications (Print)
How to Cite U.S. Congressional Publications (Print)