Some newspapers change the title of their articles in print and online. Make sure to cite the proper (print or electronic) version of the article.
Author, A. A. (Year, Day). Title of the article. Title of Newspaper, page(s).
Dixon, C. (2007, April 13). Whatever size the wave, some surfers reach for the paddle. The New York Times, F3.
Newspapers and magazine articles found in online databases (e.g. NexisUni), should be cited as online articles. However, you do not need to include the database in your citation--instead, include the DOI if available or the URL of the article.
Author, A. A. (Year, Day). Title of the article. Title of the Newspaper. DOI or Article URL
Umholtz, K. (2020, January 11). 11,000-plus power outages in metro New Orleans as severe weather moves in. The Times Picayune.
Citing a print magazine article is very similar to citing a print journal article. Sometimes it can be more difficult to find the volume and issue number. If you are having trouble, check the cover or the table of contents page. If information is not found, omit it from the citation.
Author, A. A. (Year, Date). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume(Issue), xx-xx.
Edmonds, P. (2015, November). How to fix it. National Geographic, 228(5), 18-19.
Online magazine articles, similar to newspapers, include articles acquired from databases. Once again, include the DOI if available or the URL of the article.
Author, A. A. (Year, Date). Title of the article. Title of the Magazine, Volume(Issue), xx-xx. DOI or article URL
Christakis, E. (2016, January/February).The new preschool is crushing kids. The Atlantic, 317(1).
Note: If page numbers are not available, omit them.