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APA Style Guide

Book Citations - Guidelines

Below are examples of citations for common types of books that you may have to cite in your papers. A few things to remember:

  • While these examples may be single-spaced, always double space your entries.
  • The author is generally the first element of the citation. "Author" is broadly defined as the person(s) or group responsible for a work. This could be an editor of a book, a director of a film, a podcast host, an organization, etc.
  • Always use "&" instead of writing out the word "and" when listing multiple authors.
  • Only capitalize the first word of the titles and subtitles of books and chapters, as well as proper nouns/adjectives. 
  • List the publisher as listed in the work being cited; do not abbreviate the publisher name unless it is shown in abbreviated form on the work. 
  • Do not include Inc., Ltd., etc. in the publisher's name.
  • List all publishers listed on the copyright page in the order that they are listed, separated by semicolons.
  • PLEASE NOTE:  For the most part, there will be no difference between an ebook citation and a non-ebook citation.


Changes to be noted in the reference format for books:

  • Ebook format, platform, or device are no longer included in reference citations.
  • Omit place of publication.
  • Entries may end with a DOI or URL. (See the section in this guide: "Guidelines for including DOIs and URLs").

References for authored books should include the author(s), publication year, title, and publisher. DOI/URL if available

The following format should be followed:


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title: Capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle, along with proper nouns and adjectives and italicize the entire title (Edition or volume number, if applicable). Publisher. DOI/URL if available

Blazer, L. (2020). Animated storytelling: Simple steps for creating animation and motion graphics (2nd ed.). Peachpit Press.


Edited Book

Cite it as you would a non-edited book, but add the designation (Ed.). or (Eds.).


Editor's Name, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title of the book. Publisher. DOI if available

Canefe, N. (Ed.). (2019). Transitional justice and forced migration. Cambridge University

Chapter in an Edited Book

An edited book has chapters from many different authors which have been put together for publication by an editor or editors. An authored book  is written by one or more individuals with no editor.

References for book chapters in an edited book should include the chapter's author(s), publication year, title of the chapter, the book's editor(s), name not inverted, title of the book, edition or volume number (if applicable), pages of the chapter, and publisher. DOI/URL if available


Chapter-Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the essay or chapter, not italicized. In Book Editor Name, first initials last name (Ed.), The title of the book, italicized (pp. xx-xx). Publisher. DOI/URL if available.


Spreng, R. N., & Turner, G. R(2019). Structure and function of the aging brain. In G.R. Samanez-Larkin (Ed.), The aging
              brain: Functional adaptation across adulthood
 (pp. 9-43). American Psychological Association.     


NOTE: For a chapter in an authored book, create a reference for the entire book and provide the chapter number with the in-text citation only. APA 7, 10.3