Remember to abbreviate all names of months, except for May, June and July:
Jan. | Feb. | Mar. |
Apr. | Aug. | Sept. |
Oct. | Nov. | Dec. |
When citing magazine or newspaper articles, include the day, month and year of publication (if available). Write the date in the following format:
day Mo. YYYY |
23 Sept. 2012 |
References to electronic articles from a scholarly journal must include the following elements if given:
Author Last name, First. “Article Title.” Name of Journal, vol. number, issue number, Month or Season Year, start page – end page if give, Name of Database, URL or DOI (preferred).
Note: Volume number and issue number are now preceded by vol. and no., respectively. Page numbers in the works-cited list are now preceded by p. or pp.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Note: Citations are single-spaced here, but be sure to double-space your Works Cited page.
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical, Day Month Year, Database, URL.
*Note: include any articles (A, An, The) at the beginning of a magazine's title. Page numbers in the works-cited list are now preceded by p. or pp.
*Note: citations are single-spaced here but should be double-spaced on your Works Cited page.
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical, Day Month Year, page(s). Database, URL.
However, note that newspaper page numbers may look different from magazine page numbers; they will typically include both a number and letter. If the newspaper has multiple editions in the same day, i.e., an early and a late edition, include that information directly after the date of publication. Some electronic newspaper articles will not have page numbers.
* Note: Citations are single-spaced here, but be sure to double-space your Works Cited page.