The SIC (PDF - Standard Industrial Classification) Code and the NAICS (PDF - North American Industry Classification System) Code are two ways of organizing industry information; NAICS is an updated version of SIC. You can use either one to find out about your company's industry, including industry sales information, and major competitors.
Note: If a company is involved in more than one industry, the primary SIC/NAICS code (the industry in which the company is most active) is always at the top of the list.
Want to know the top journals in business/finance field? Use ISI Web of Knowledge's Journal Citation Reports to locate the most cited and influential journals in your field. You can then use our Journal Locator to locate the database to search for articles within a specific publication.
Remember magazine articles can provide access to trends and key players in the field but for in-depth research on a subject scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles should be added to your research to strengthen your final work product.
General Communication Databases at LNDL:
At LNDL both print and electronic databases can provide you access to important newspapers to support your Communications research process.
Curent editions of print newspapers like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and The Baltimore Sun are located on the first set of shelving to the immediate right of the Help Desk Additionally, you can use our Journal Locator to access these publications and more online.
Newspaper Databases at LNDL:
LNDL has several databases helpful for conducting business research specifically related to Company, Industry, or Country data.
Company, Industry, and Country Databases at LNDL: