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Graduate Student Library Resources

On Campus Writing Centers

Online Guides for Graduate-Level Writing

Sample Paper Templates

Online Citation Guides

Zotero Citation Manager

Zotero is free open source software, available for download on your computer or used online via the web. You can download on multiple devices and Zotero automatically synchronizes your data.

  • Access: Zotero has both a cloud based version or a standalone software version that you can download to your computer (PC or Mac). Sign up for a free account and Download Zotero. Users can sync between desktop software and an online account.
  • Storage: Zotero provides 300MB of free online storage and desktop storage is dependent of your computers capacity.
  • Direct Export & PDFs: Send PDFs and citations to Zotero using a browser extension. Store PDFs, files, images, links, and whole web pages for easy retrieval.
  • Citation Styles: Many popular citation styles with the ability to easily download additional styles.
  • Cite while you write: Using the Zotero citation plugin you can create in-text citations, footnotes, and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, Google Docs,  and LibreOffice. Users can also generate a quick bibliography of selected citations directly from Zotero.
  • Help: Find more information at Zotero Documentation.

Ebooks About Graduate-Level Writing

LNDL has a wide selection of ebooks that can help with your graduate-level writing needs. Log in with your university credentials to access the ebook.