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NUR501 : Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: Seminar Presentation

Citing in a PowerPoint Presentation

Did you know that you must cite all of your sources when you use a PowerPoint in your presentation?

  • All information taken from an outside source should be cited! This includes images, clipart, charts, graphs, etc.
  • Whenever possible, include the author name and date within the slide (e.g., “According to Walters (2006), the average patient...”)
  • All sources should be listed within a single slide at the end of your presentation.
  • Use clipart and Google Images sparingly; they detract from the scholarly tone of your presentation.

When in doubt—cite it!

Keep Calm and Cite Your Sources

image source:

Presentation Tips

Follow these simple DO's and DONT's for a successful presentation:

  1. The best way to calm your nerves is to be as organized and prepared as possible.
  2. Rehearse your presentation at least once.
  3. Prepare questions for your audience in advance.
  4. Have a "Questions?" slide to encourage your classmates to ask questions and engage you. 
  5. Don't read directly from the PowerPoint. Face your audience when you speak.
  6. Move around the room, make eye contact, speak clearly and make sure you can be heard.

Remember, it's not just what you say, it's how you say it!


Finkelstein, E. (2003). 44 tips and tricks to help turbocharge your PowerPoint presentations. Successful Meetings, 52(12), S8. Retrieved from

Mandel, S. (2000). Effective Presentation Skills. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications, Inc. PN4121.M35

Finding Articles

You must find one article to share with the class for your seminar presentation. Where should you start your search?

1. Reference lists

If you have consulted a quality secondary source on your theory (like a book or website), you can use the reference lists at the end of the chapter or page to find research articles related to the theory.

For example, here is an excerpt from the reference list of a chapter on Madeleine Leininger and transcultural nursing theory:

Reference list


When you find a reference for a particular article and want to look it up, use the Journals tab on the library homepage to search for the name of the journal (in this example, Journal of Transcultural Nursing). This will lead you to the full-text electronic or print version of the article, if the library has access.

View a more detailed explanation of how to look up an article from a citation.


Enter the CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature) database.

When conducting your search, remember to put each concept into a separate search row. For example:

CINAHL search example

We have three concepts here: theory (transcultural nursing), area of practice (acute care), and population (Hispanic or Latino).

You don't have to follow this exact formula; just remember that the ANDs go down and the ORs go across, and each major idea or concept gets its own row.

3. Nursing & Allied Health Source (ProQuest)

Another helpful resource for finding scholarly articles, this ProQuest database works in the same way as CINAHL. One difference: When using ProQuest, you must put phrases "in quotation marks".

ProQuest search example

Again, see that the theory is kept in its own search box, and any other terms that you add to your search belong in the rows underneath.

General tips for getting the best search results:

Use an asterisk (*) to search for alternate endings of a word. Instead of nursing, write nurs* to search for nurse, nurses, nursed, and nursing.

While you may often use acronyms & abbreviations in your everyday practice (NICU, DVT, ED), remember that scholarly articles often use the full technical term. Try spelling out the search terms and see how the results differ from just using acronyms.

If you don't get a good enough result with your first try, don't give up! Brainstorm synonyms or other ways of describing the terms you used. Combine them into one row and separate them with OR. For example, if you search hospice and don't get enough results, try hospice OR palliative OR end-of-life. Since databases search for exactly what you type in, you need to add in the synonyms yourself.